The Rogowski Coil is a very simple device for measuring fast, strong electric currents. This article will describe the theory of operation of a Rogowski coil with the basic math showing the simple operation.
Let’s start by following a closed path around a current carrying wire or some other conductive path. According to Ampere’s law, the line integral of the magnetic field is proportional to the current piercing the surface defined by our closed path:
that path coincides with the axis of a solenoid (with the turns small
compared to the path so that the magnetic field , is essentially
constant over the surface
of any individual
turn in the solenoid), then
is parallel to
and the magnetic
flux linking the turns of the solenoid is proportional to the same
this equation is the area of
each turn of the solenoid and
is the number of
turns per unit length. By using Faraday’s law of induction, we can find the
in our solenoid:
we have an induced in a solenoid
which is proportional to the change in current threading the surface
defined by the axis of our solenoid. This solenoid is a Rogowski loop. By
letting the terminal end of the solenoid trace a path back down the axis of
the solenoid, we avoid and
produced by
changing magnetic fields normal to the surface defined by our loop.
also have a circuit consisting of a an inductance (the solenoid), a
and an induced
. Describing this circuit is the differential equation:
is a linear equation in which the right hand side can be turned into an
exact differential by an integrating factor
the right hand side is to be an exact differential, then there exists a
function, , such that
which is valid if
. If this is true then
which leaves:
The solution to which is:
to be 1, carrying
out the integration in the exponent and putting the integrating factor back
into the equation above we get the following:
Integrating gives:
And, now we can write this as:
We can solve for the constant of integration by using the current:
Let’s look at an example, such as a square wave current that you might expect from a charged particle beam with a finite length:
The current in the coil then becomes:
Carrying out the integration and scanning the time through the different regions we get:
This gives us an output waveform that looks like the following:
can see that if is small, then in
the central region the output has a spike at zero after which the
exponential causes a very rapid decay to zero. When the time comes that the
pulse ends, we get a negative spike which again decays to zero. This is
exactly what we expect for a differentiating coil with output proportional
to the derivative of the current.
We could also try a current described by a ramp function:
In this case the output is zero until time equals zero and any time thereafter it can be described by:
Rewriting this in the voltage output regime:
If is small, then the
output quickly rises from zero to a fixed asymptotic value which indicates
the derivative of the function representing the current to be measured. If
is large, however,
this function representing the output does not exactly look like the output
of a self integrating coil, the asymptotic value is larger and the exponential
is more spread out, but we still don’t see a ramp function. Here we have
reached a limit; the pulse width is infinite which makes a self integrating
coil impossible since there’s no way to make
larger than the
pulse width.
For further examples we can look at sinusoidal functions describing the current to be measured.
At times greater than zero:
Then the coil current, and thus the output, for times greater than zero is:
Carrying out an integration by parts yields:
And combining terms:
this solution the term that dominates is determined by the time compared to the period of the current being
measured. If the
term is large
compared tot eh period, then we have a self integrating coil and the
dominant term is proportional to the current being measured, while a
leaves the
dominant term proportional to the derivative of the current being measured.
Note that in the self integrating case the magnitude of the output voltage
is not significantly dependant on the frequency of the input signal while
in the derivative proportionality case the magnitude of the output voltage
definitely does depend on the frequency.
By keeping as small as possible, we can be certain that we are
operating our coil in the self integrating mode for a rather high frequency
current that we most often want to measure.